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Implementation guide

Before starting implementation you should have completed Installation of the MCD SDK.

Main Interface

MeaCardData is the main interface for interaction with MCD SDK.

Easy Launch Card View

Easy Launch Card View is fully customisable subclass of the native UIView that wraps around SDK functionality and exposes API for styling appearance and interacting with a user. With the Easy Launch Card View, you can omit some of the SDK implementation steps and data management tasks and more rapidly get a visual card-like visual representation of data visible to the user.

Add Interface Builder companion file

Retrieve the McdDesignables.m companion source file from the framework bundle and copy it into your project, adding it to your target.


Adding the file located within the framework or using a symbolic link does not work, as Xcode / Interface Builder does not to parse files within frameworks.

Add Card View in Interface Builder

Drag and drop an UIView object into your view and set its class to McdEasyLaunchCardView.

Easy Launch - Identity Inspector

Card Secret Generation

Secret generator property is used to pass card data from app to card view. Card secret is generated on app backend, see Time-based Secret (TOTP) Generation.

Generating Secret Synchronously

@IBOutlet var mcdEasyLaunchCardView: McdEasyLaunchCardView!
// ...

override func viewDidLoad() {
// ...
mcdEasyLaunchCardView.secretGenerator = { cardId in
return cardSecret; // cardSecret generated and provided by banking app backend.
// ...

Generating Secret Asynchronously

@IBOutlet var mcdEasyLaunchCardView: McdEasyLaunchCardView!
// ...

override func viewDidLoad() {
// ...
mcdEasyLaunchCardView.secretGeneratorWithCompletion = { cardId, completion in
completion(cardSecret) // cardSecret generated and provided by banking app backend.
// ...

Default Appearance And Behaviour

By completing the steps above, you have implemented the bare minimum of Easy Launch Custom View and have it with default appearance and behavior.


Default behavior:

  • tap - Show card data. If card data is not retrieved, it is retrieved first. The second click hides card data.
  • long press - Copy card PAN to clipboard, if card data is retrieved.
  • Menu button on the top-right corner for accessing more actions - Show / Hide, Copy PAN, Copy Name, Copy Expiry, Copy CVV.
  • Shows toast message when any of card data is copied to clipboard.
  • All texts are in English.
  • Default colors are used for card background, texts, and loading indicators.

The Easy Launch Custom View takes care of disposing of retrieved data after 60 seconds. Card View also maintains a proper plastic-card-like aspect ratio. It fills maximum available space within given boundaries. The rest of the assigned area is filled with transparent background.

Card View Customization

Use Interface Builder layout attributes and runtime methods to customize McdEasyLaunchCardView. Add translations for text values, add cardTapBlock and cardLongPressBlock handlers to get action result callbacks.

Card background, fonts, text and loading indicator colors, touch and card data loading events can be customized and handled. For more UI customization details refer to Card Custom Layout.

See MCD SDK iOS API Reference for more details.

Customization with Interface Builder

Configure and change appearance of Easy Launch Card with the Attributes inspector in Interface Builder. Easy Launch - Attributes

Interface Builder Attributes

AttributeFormatDefault ValueDescription
cardIdNSStringnilCard Id
layoutNSStringnilCustom layout: bundled XIB file name without extension
fontSizeCGFloat10.0Font size
fontNameNSStringnilFont name
cardBackgroundUIImagenil   Card background image
textColorUIColorUIColor.whiteText and symbol color
loadingIndicatorEnabledBOOLtrueEnable/Disable default loading indicator
loadingIndicatorColorUIColorUIColor.whiteLoading indicator color
defaultMenuEnabledBOOLtrueEnable/Disable menu on top-right corner
panCopyMenuTitleNSString"Copy card number"Menu entry text
holderNameCopyMenuTitleNSString"Copy name"Menu entry text
validThruCopyMenuTitleNSString"Copy expiry"Menu entry text
cvvCopyMenuTitleNSString"Copy CVV"Menu entry text
showCardMenuTitleNSString"Show card details"Menu entry text
hideCardMenuTitleNSString"Hide card details"Menu entry text
toastsEnabledBOOLtrueEnable/Disable info toasts on card data copy
panCopyInfoTextNSString"Card number copied"Toast message text
holderNameCopyInfoTextNSString"Name copied"Toast message text
validThruCopyInfoTextNSString"Card expiry copied"Toast message text
cvvCopyInfoTextNSString"CVV copied"Toast message text

To use your custom font, add the font file to your app bundle first. Then use this custom font the same way you use any of the iOS system fonts.

Apple documentation: Adding a Custom Font to Your App

Customization with Code

class MainViewController: UIViewController {
// ...
@IBOutlet var mcdEasyLaunchCardView: McdEasyLaunchCardView!
// ...

override func viewDidLoad() {
// ...
mcdEasyLaunchCardView.textColor = .yellow
mcdEasyLaunchCardView.validThruCopyMenuTitle = "Copy expiry right now!"
mcdEasyLaunchCardView.toastsEnabled = false;
mcdEasyLaunchCardView.cardTapBlock = {
self.mcdEasyLaunchCardView.cardTapBlock = {
self.mcdEasyLaunchCardView.showCardData { error in
if let error = error {
NSLog("%@", error)
} else {
NSLog("Card data is displayed");
mcdEasyLaunchCardView.cardLongPressBlock = {
NSLog("Card Long Press");
self.mcdEasyLaunchCardView.textColor = .white
// ...

Custom Card Layout

XIB file created in XCode Interface Builder could be used as template for Card View. Add custom layout XIB file to your app bundle, and then set McdEasyLaunchCardView.layout property the name of the XIB file without ".xib" extension.

At run time, custom layout's UILabel elements with following Restoration ID property values used as placeholders for actual card data:

expiryExpiry date in MM/YY format
nameName embossed on the card

Custom card layotu


Card View Custom Layout taking effect at runtime only - it will not be visible in Interface Builder.

Card Data Loading Events

McdEasyLaunchCardView have handler properties for card data loading events.

  • Loading started: cardDataLoadingStartedBlock
mcdEasyLaunchCardView.cardDataLoadingStartedBlock = ^{
NSLog(@"Card data loading started")
// ...
  • Loading completed or loading failed: cardDataLoadingCompletedBlock
mcdEasyLaunchCardView.cardDataLoadingCompletedBlock = ^(NSError *error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Card data loading failed: %@", error);
// Handle loading data error...
} else {
NSLog(@"Card data loaded");
// ...
  • Card data cleared: cardDataClearedBlock
self.mcdEasyLaunchCardView.cardDataClearedBlock = ^{
NSLog(@"Card data cleared");
// ...

Get Card Data Images

Two input parameters are required to retrieve card data images using MeaCardData.getCardDataImages method:

import MeaCardData


let cardId: String = "<value>"
let secret: String = "<value>"

MeaCardData.getImages(cardId, secret: generateMeaTotp(cardId), completionHandler: {(data, error) in
if let cardDataImages = data {
// Use retrieved cardDataImages.
} else {
NSLog("Card Data Images request failed, %@", error?.localizedDescription ?? "unknown error" )
// Handle error.

Card Data Images

PAN, Expiry Date, Emboss Name and CVV can be exported as UIImage:

// Default font, black color, size 10dp, default character spacing
UIImage panImage = cardDataImages.getPanImage(UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 10),, spacing:0.0)

// Default monospace font, green color, size 8dp, default character spacing
UIImage expiryDateImage = cardDataImages.getExpiryImage(UIFont.monospacedDigitSystemFont(ofSize: 8, weight:.regular),, spacing: 0.0)

// Default Bold font, red color, size 12dp, negative character spacing - condensed text
UIImage embossNameImage = cardDataImages.getEmbossNameImage(UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16, weight: .bold),, spacing: -0.05)

// Custom font loaded from resources, blue color, size 20dp, positive character spacing - text is expanded
UIImage cvvImage = cardDataImages.getCvvImage((UIFont(name: "CustomFontName", size: 20), color: .blue, spacing: 0.1)

Copying Card Data to Clipboard

PAN, Expiry Date, Emboss Name and CVV can be copied to clipboard:

// Copy PAN to clipboard.

// Copy Expiry Date to clipboard.

// Copy Emboss Name to clipboard.

// Copy CVV to clipboard.

Card Data Cleared Event

MeaCardDataImages.cardDataClearedBlock sets handler for card data cleared event:

cardDataImages.cardDataClearedBlock = {
// Handle data cleared event, e.g. clear or hide card data images on the UI.

Card PIN Management

Get Card PIN Image Data

Two input parameters are required to retrieve Card PIN Data:

import MeaCardData

// ...

let cardId: String = "<value>"
let secret: String = "<value>"

MeaCardData.getCardPinImage(cardId, secret: secret, completionHandler: {(data, error) in
if let carPinImage = data {
// Use retrieved data.
} else {
NSLog("Request failed, %@", error?.localizedDescription ?? "unknown error" )
// Handle error.

Card PIN Image

Card PIN can be exported as UIImage:

// Default font, black color, size 10dp, default character spacing
UIImage pinImage = cardPinImage.getPinImage(UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 10),, spacing:0.0)

Copying PIN to Clipboard

Card PIN can be copied to clipboard:


Data Cleared Event

MeaCardPinImage object provides method to set listener for data cleared event:

cardPinImage.cardPinClearedBlock = {
// Handle PIN data cleared event, e.g. clear or hide PIN image on the UI.

Set Card PIN

Four input parameters are required to set Card PIN:

import MeaCardData

// ...

let cardId: String = "<value>"
let secret: String = "<value>"
let oldPin: String = "<value>"
let newPin: String = "<value>"

MeaCardData.setCardPin(cardId, secret: secret, oldPin:oldPin, newPin:newPin, completionHandler: {(isPinSet, error) in
if error != nil {
NSLog("setCardPin request failed, %@", error?.localizedDescription ?? "unknown error" )
// Handle error.
} else {
// setCardPin request successful.

Unblock Card PIN

Two input parameters are required to unblock Card PIN:

import MeaCardData

// ...

let cardId: String = "<value>"
let secret: String = "<value>"

MeaCardData.unblockCardPin(cardId, secret: secret, completionHandler: {(isPinUnblocked, error) in
if error != nil {
NSLog("unblockCardPin request failed, %@", error?.localizedDescription ?? "unknown error" )
// Handle error.
} else {
// unblockCardPin request successful.

Get Card Data (Deprecated)


This method is deprecated. Use EasyLaunchCardView instead.

The main interface provides getCardData method to fetch PAN and CVV values of the card.

Two input parameters are required to retrieve card data:

import MeaCardData


let cardId: String = "<value>"
let secret: String = "<value>"

MeaCardData.getCardData(cardId, secret: secret) { (cardData, error) in

if (error != nil) {
print(String(format: "Card data request failed: %@", error!.localizedDescription))
else {
let pan = cardData!.pan
let cvv = cardData!.cvv

print(String(format: "Card data fetched successfully, pan: %@, cvv: %@", pan, cvv))


Use setDebugLoggingEnabled method to enable/disable logging to console. Use versionName and versionCode methods to check the version of the SDK, when necessary.

import MeaCardData


func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {


print(String(format: "SDK version: %@, code: %@", MeaCardData.versionName(), MeaCardData.versionCode()))


return true