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Implementation guide

Before starting implementation you should have finished Installation of the MCD SDK.

Main Interface

Main interface of MCD SDK is All methods are static and can be used directly without object instance. is a class that provides access to the main configuration values of MCD SDK such as Version Code, Version Name and Build Type.

Easy Launch Widget is a native Android UI element that wraps around SDK functionality and exposes API for styling appearance and interacting with a user. With the Easy Launch widget, you can omit some of the SDK implementation steps and data management tasks and more rapidly get a visual card-like representation of data visible to the user.


To begin Issuer app should initialize MeaCardData instance.

if (!MeaCardData.isInitialized()) {

Easy Launch Card View

Add Widget To View Hierarchy

EasyLaunchCardView is the main class of Easy Launch Widget. Add it to your view hierachy and reference in the Fragment or Activty.


public class CardActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
private EasyLaunchCardView mMeaCard;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mMeaCard = findViewById(;

Card Identity Provider

Two input parameters are required to retrieve card data:

Easy Launch Widget doesn't store cardId or cardSecret at any given moment. It uses McdCardIdentityProvider interface for acquiring data when needed. Implement the interface and provide it to EasyLaunchCardView instance using setCardIdentityProvider(McdCardIdentityProvider) method.

McdCardIdentityProvider provides async and sync interface for passing generated card secret:
McdCardIdentityProvider identityProvider = new McdCardIdentityProvider() {

public String getCardId() {
return cardId; // cardId provided by banking app backend.

public String getSecret() {
return cardSecret; // cardSecret generated and provided by banking app backend.


Default Appearance And Behaviour

By completing the steps above, you have implemented the bare minimum of Easy Launch Widget and have it with default appearance and behavior.

Card View

Default behavior:

  • on click - Show card data. If card data is not retrieved, it is retrieved first. The second click hides card data.
  • on long click - Copy card PAN to clipboard, if card data is retrieved.
  • Menu button on the top right corner for accessing more actions - Show / Hide, Copy PAN, Copy Name, Copy Expiry, Copy CVV.
  • Shows toast message when any of card data is copied to clipboard.
  • All texts are in English.
  • Default colors are used for card background, texts, and loading indicators.

The Easy Launch Widget takes care of disposing of retrieved data after 60 seconds. The widget also maintains a proper plastic-card-like aspect ratio. It fills maximum available space within given boundaries. The rest of the assigned area is filled with transparent background.

The widget doesn't observe the lifecycles of Android components. According to Functional Requirements and Guidelines the application developer has to take care of user authentification and handling data hiding/disposal when a user leaves a screen or application. Use EasyLaunchCardView methods hideCardData() and disposeCardData() when necessary.

Card View Customization

Use XML layout attributes and runtime methods to customize EasyLaunchCardView. Add translations for text values, add onClick and onLongClick listeners to get action result callbacks.

Card background, fonts, text and loading indicator colors, touch and card data loading events can be customized and handled. For more UI customization details refer to Card Custom Layout.

See MCD SDK Android API Reference for more details.

Customization with XML Layout


app:mcdPanCopyInfoText="PAN is cool!"

Available XML attributes

app:mcdCardBackgroundreference|colorCard background
app:mcdTextColorreference|colorText and symbol color
app:mcdFontSizereference|floatFont size
app:mcdFontreferenceReference to the Font resource
app:mcdLayoutreferenceReference to the XML Layout resource
app:mcdInfoToastsEnabledbooleanEnable/Disable info toasts on card data copy
app:mcdPanCopyInfoTextreference|stringToast message text
app:mcdHolderNameCopyInfoTextreference|stringToast message text
app:mcdValidThruCopyInfoTextreference|stringToast message text
app:mcdCvvCopyInfoTextreference|stringToast message text
app:mcdDefaultMenuEnabledbooleanEnable/Disable menu on top-right corner
app:mcdPanCopyMenuTitlereference|stringMenu entry text
app:mcdHolderNameCopyMenuTitlereference|stringMenu entry text
app:mcdValidThruCopyMenuTitlereference|stringMenu entry text
app:mcdCvvCopyMenuTitlereference|stringMenu entry text
app:mcdShowCardMenuTitlereference|stringMenu entry text
app:mcdHideCardMenuTitlereference|stringMenu entry text
app:mcdDefaultListenersEnabledbooleanEnable/Disable default click and long click listeners
app:mcdLoadingIndicatorEnabledbooleanEnable/Disable default loading indicator
app:mcdLoadingIndicatorColorreference|colorLoading indicator color

Customization with Code

mMeaCardCustomized.setTextColor( colorInteger );
mMeaCardCustomized.setValidThruCopyMenuTitle("Copy expiry right now!");
mMeaCardCustomized.setInfoToastsEnabled(false); // disables for example info toast after PAN copied

mMeaCardCustomized.setOnCardClickListener(v -> {
EasyLaunchCardView cardWidget = (EasyLaunchCardView) v;

// Get card data and keep track of result calbacks
cardWidget.showCardData(new McdEasyLaunchListener() {
public void onSuccess() {
// card data is displayed on widget

public void onFailure(@NonNull McdError mcdError) {

mMeaCardCustomized.setOnCardLongClickListener(v -> {
EasyLaunchCardView cardWidget = (EasyLaunchCardView) v;
cardWidget.setCardBackground(ContextCompat.getDrawable(CardActivity.this, R.drawable.card_background));

return true;


Custom Card Layout

Android XML Layout could be used as template for Card View by setting app:mcdLayout attribute.

At run time custom layout's TextView elements with the following tags are used as placeholders for actual card data:

expiryExpiry date in MM/YY format
nameName embossed on the card
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""

android:text="1234 5678 9012 3456" />

android:text="11/25" />

android:text="Cardholder Name" />

android:text="123" />


Custom Card layout overrides default layout, thus app:mcdFont and app:mcdFontSize attributes are ignored.

Card Data Loading Events

EasyLaunchCardView widget provides methods to set listeners for card data loading events.

  • Loading started: setOnCardDataLoadingStartedListener(listener)
mEasyLaunchCardView.setOnCardDataLoadingStartedListener(() -> {
Log.d(TAG, "Card data loading started");
// ...
  • Loading completed or loading failed: setOnCardDataLoadingCompletedListener(listener)
mEasyLaunchCardView.setOnCardDataLoadingCompletedListener(new McdEasyLaunchListener() {
public void onSuccess() {
Log.d(TAG, "Card data loaded");

public void onFailure(@NonNull McdError mcdError) {
Log.d(TAG, "Card data loading failed: " + mcdError);
  • Card data cleared: setOnCardDataClearedListener(listener)
mEasyLaunchCardView.setOnCardDataClearedListener(() -> {
Log.d(TAG, "Card data cleared");

Get Card Data Images

Two input parameters are required to retrieve card data images:

Card data images can be retrieved with async and sync methods:


Network request is executed on a background thread and result is returned on the main UI thread as a callback.

MeaCardData.getCardDataImages(cardId, secret, new McdGetCardDataImagesListener() {
public void onSuccess(@NonNull McdCardDataImages cardDataImages) {
try {
// Use retrieved data.
} catch (McdException e) {
// Handle error.

public void onFailure(@NonNull McdError mcdError) {
int errorCode = mcdError.getCode();
String errorMessage = mcdError.getMessage();
// Handle error.

Card Data Image Bitmaps

PAN, Expiry Date, Emboss Name and CVV can be exported as Bitmap images:

// Default font, black color, size 10dp, default character spacing
Bitmap panImage = cardDataImages.getPanImage(Typeface.DEFAULT, Color.BLACK, 10.0f, 0.0f);

// Default monospace font, green color, size 8dp, default character spacing
Bitmap expiryImage = cardDataImages.getExpiryImage(Typeface.MONOSPACE, Color.GREEN, 8.0f, 0.0f);

// Sans Serif Bold font, red color, size 12dp, negative character spacing: condensed text
Bitmap embossNameImage = cardDataImages.getEmbossNameImage(Typeface.create(Typeface.SANS_SERIF, Typeface.BOLD), Color.RED, 12f, -0.05f);

// Custom font loaded from resources, green color, size 20dp, positive character spacing - text is expanded
Bitmap cvvImage = cardDataImages.getCvvImage(getFont(context, R.font.custom_font_name), Color.GREEN, 20f, 0.1f);

Copying Card Data to Clipboard

PAN, Expiry Date, Emboss Name and CVV can be copied to clipboard:

// Copy PAN to clipboard.

// Copy Expiry Date to clipboard.

// Copy Emboss Name to clipboard.

// Copy CVV to clipboard.

Card Data Cleared Event

MeaCardDataImages object provides method to set listener for card data cleared event:

cardDataImages.setOnCardDataClearedListener(() -> {
// Handle data wipe event, e.g. clear or hide card data images

Card PIN Management

Get Card PIN Image Data

Two input parameters are required to retrieve Card PIN Data:

Card PIN Image Data can be retrieved in two ways:


Network request is executed on a background thread and result is returned on the main UI thread as a callback.

MeaCardData.getCardPinImage(cardId, secret, new McdGetCardPinImageListener() {
public void onSuccess(@NonNull McdCardPinImage cardPinImage) {
// Use retrieved card PIN data.

public void onFailure(@NonNull McdError mcdError) {
// Handle error.

Card PIN Image Bitmap

Card PIN can be exported as Bitmap Image:

// Default font, black color, size 10dp, default character spacing
Bitmap pinImage = cardPinImage.getPinImage(Typeface.DEFAULT, Color.BLACK, 10.0f, 0.0f);

Copying PIN to Clipboard

Card PIN can be copied to clipboard:


Data Cleared Event

MeaCardPinImage object provides method to set listener for data cleared event:

cardPinImage.setOnCardPinClearedListener(() -> {
// Handle data wipe event, e.g. clear or hide PIN

Set Card PIN

Four input parameters are required to set Card PIN:

Card PIN can be set in two ways:


Network request is executed on a background thread and result is returned on the main UI thread as a callback.

MeaCardData.setCardPin(cardId, secret, oldPin, newPin, new McdSetCardPinListener() {
public void onSuccess(boolean isPinSet) {
// PIN successfully set.

public void onFailure(@NonNull McdError mcdError) {
// Handle error.

Unblock Card PIN

Two input parameters are required to unblock Card PIN:

Card PIN can be unblocked in two ways:


Network request is executed on a background thread and result is returned on the main UI thread as a callback.

MeaCardData.unblockCardPin(cardId, secret, new McdUnblockCardPinListener() {
public void onSuccess(boolean isPinUnblocked) {
// PIN successfully unblocked.

public void onFailure(@NonNull McdError mcdError) {
// Handle error.

Get Card Data (Deprecated)


This method is deprecated. Use EasyLaunchCardView instead.

Two input parameters are required to retrieve card data:

Card data can be retrieved in two ways:


Network request is executed on a background thread and result is returned on the main UI thread as a callback.

MeaCardData.getCardData(cardId, secret, new McdGetCardDataListener() {
public void onSuccess(@NonNull McdCardData mcdCardData) {
String cardPan = mcdCardData.getPan();
String cardCvv = mcdCardData.getCvv();
// Use retrieved data.

public void onFailure(@NonNull McdError mcdError) {
int errorCode = mcdError.getCode();
String errorMessage = mcdError.getMessage();
// Handle error.

Error Handling

McdError is a generic MCD SDK error object containing all error info (error code, error name, error message and request ID). McdError can be returned with onFailure callback or gathered from McdException object.


Use dependency with -debug suffix to enable MeaCardData debugging and logging. See Gradle Configuration.