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Token Service Provider considers the token management that may be initiated by the Token Requestor or Issuer. This chapter review and outline only the issuer initiated token management. Within the context of this guide issuer-initiated token management can be foreseen and considered as the post-provisioning token management.

Token Management is necessary to resolve the cardholder issues, change status or review it history, maintain token state to correspond to the card and/or account state. Token Service Providers may provide multiple options for the token management. Usually these are limited to the following:

  • API for token lifecycle management;

  • Web application for token management.

Within the scope of Mea Token Platform there are following options may be used by issuers for manual and automated token lifecycle management:

Backend API

While integration with the MTP I-TSP Customer Service API is the only option available to maintain the automated lifecycle management there are multiple options available for the manual process. These are as following:

  • Option A – integrate with the MTP I-TSP Customer Service API to incorporate token management user interface into the existing systems;

  • Option B – use Mea Service Portal built on the top of MTP I-TSP Customer API to handle the manual token lifecycle management activities;

  • Option C – is to use the Token Management Portal offered by the token service provider. This option is limited to the specific token service providers and not in scope of Mea Token Platform.

Specific use-cases for the token automated lifecycle management can be subject to the mandatory requirements issued by payment network or third-party wallet. However if requirements are not applicable for issuer it is still strongly recommended to implement use cases of automated lifecycle management for best consumer experience. MeaWallet recommendation for issuer to review at least following use cases and their implementation:

  • Token-to-PAN mapping update - TSP provide the API interface to maintain the card renewal or replacement process as frictionless for consumer provisioned tokens and eliminating any necessity to re-provision or update token in the third-party wallet. For card familiarity wallet may display the updated 4 card number ending digits. MeaWallet consolidate TSP API to the Token Update endpoint that allow to update all token linked to the PAN with new expiry or new PAN.
  • Card to Token status mapping - each Issuer has their own card lifecycle management process and card statuses implied while token status is usually limited to be represented as active, temporary suspended and permanently suspended as deleted. This is strongly recommended for issuer to map each available card status to match business cases for token status, e.g. if card is permanently closed then linked tokens must be also removed and not remain active in the third-party wallets.

Issuers implementing card to token status mapping must also review the available account statuses whenever it is applicable and may have stipulation to the token status.