Class MeaInitializeDigitizationParameters

    • Method Detail

      • withCardSecret

        public static MeaInitializeDigitizationParameters withCardSecret​(@NonNull
                                                                         java.lang.String cardId,
                                                                         java.lang.String cardSecret)
        Create initialize digitization parameters with card secret.
        cardId - Contains Card ID selected by the Issuer, which is later used by the WSP to send to the Issuer for validation. Max length 64.
        cardSecret - Contains secret value generated by the Issuer, which is later used to the WSP to exchange it versus real card data from the Issuer. Max length 64.
        MeaInitializeDigitizationParameters object instance.
      • withCardSecret

        public static MeaInitializeDigitizationParameters withCardSecret​(@NonNull
                                                                         java.lang.String cardId,
                                                                         java.lang.String cardSecret,
                                                                         java.lang.String bin)
        Create initialize digitization parameters with card secret.
        cardId - Contains Card ID selected by the Issuer, which is later used by the WSP to send to the Issuer for validation. Max length 64.
        cardSecret - Contains secret value generated by the Issuer, which is later used to the WSP to exchange it versus real card data from the Issuer. Max length 64.
        bin - Contains BIN of a card, which is being digitized. These BINs needs to be pre-defined in WSP, and are used in case of multiple issuer-hosts. Min length 6, max length 16.
        MeaInitializeDigitizationParameters object instance.
      • withPan

        public static MeaInitializeDigitizationParameters withPan​(@NonNull
                                                                  java.lang.String pan,
                                                                  int expiryMonth,
                                                                  int expiryYear,
                                                                  java.lang.String cardHolderName)
                                                           throws MeaException,
        Create initialize digitization parameters with encrypted PAN. For VISA method use E2E encryption.
        pan - Card number (PAN).
        expiryMonth - The month of the expiration date of the card to be digitized. Note that the expiry date may not be in the past. May be omitted if the card does not have an expiry date. Length: exact 2.
        expiryYear - The year of the expiration date of the card to be digitized. Note that the expiry date may not be in the past. May be omitted if the card does not have an expiry date. Length: exact 2.
        cardHolderName - The name of the Cardholder in the format LASTNAME/FIRSTNAME or FIRSTNAME LASTNAME. Max length 27.
        MeaInitializeDigitizationParameters object instance.
        MeaException - if error occurs while encrypting card data.
        NotInitializedException - if library is not initialized.
      • withEncryptedPan

        public static MeaInitializeDigitizationParameters withEncryptedPan​(@NonNull
                                                                           java.lang.String encryptedCardData,
                                                                           java.lang.String publicKeyFingerprint,
                                                                           java.lang.String encryptedKey,
                                                                           java.lang.String initialVector)
        Create initialize digitization parameters with encrypted PAN data.
        encryptedCardData - Encrypted card data.
        publicKeyFingerprint - Public Key Fingerprint. Used to recognise the key to be used for AES key decryption.
        encryptedKey - Encrypted AES key used for encrypted card data.
        initialVector - Initial Vector used for encrypted card data.
        MeaInitializeDigitizationParameters object instance.
      • withReceipt

        public static MeaInitializeDigitizationParameters withReceipt​(@NonNull
                                                                      java.lang.String receipt,
                                                                      java.lang.String bin)
        Create initialize digitization parameters with push account receipt data, in case of Mastercard obtained from MDES Token Connect.
        receipt - Receipt given to the Issuer from a pushAccount request. The receipt will be used to retrieve the financial account information. Max length 64.
        bin - Contains BIN of a card, which is being digitized. These BINs needs to be pre-defined in WSP, and are used in case of multiple issuer-hosts. Min length 6, max length 16.
        MeaInitializeDigitizationParameters object instance.
      • getCardId

        public java.lang.String getCardId()
      • getCardSecret

        public java.lang.String getCardSecret()
      • getBin

        public java.lang.String getBin()
      • getPan

        public java.lang.String getPan()
      • getExpiryMonth

        public int getExpiryMonth()
      • getExpiryYear

        public int getExpiryYear()
      • getCardholderName

        public java.lang.String getCardholderName()
      • getEncryptedCardData

        public java.lang.String getEncryptedCardData()
      • getPublicKeyFingerprint

        public java.lang.String getPublicKeyFingerprint()
      • getEncryptedKey

        public java.lang.String getEncryptedKey()
      • getInitialVector

        public java.lang.String getInitialVector()
      • getReceipt

        public java.lang.String getReceipt()
      • getAccountNumberLength

        public int getAccountNumberLength()
      • getAccountNumberHash

        public java.lang.String getAccountNumberHash()
      • getE2eEncryptedData

        public java.lang.String getE2eEncryptedData()
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object